Think your startup idea isn't good enough? This story may surprise you.
The perfect idea doesn't exist.
It’s a great tragedy that so many would-be entrepreneurs never get started because they’re waiting for it to strike. But get this:
No one came up with the idea for Facebook.
We all know the apocryphal tale: Mark, this genius nerd of an entrepreneur, thought up the idea from his Harvard dorm room, created it, and it blew up. Amazing!
But that story is only true if we apply some serious regression to the curve of reality.
Mark Zuckerberg thought of an idea called Facemash, a Hot or Not clone for ranking people’s attractiveness on his college campus, for which he was nearly expelled.
Then it was a study tool for art history.
Then it was a digital “face book” of those who attended Harvard.
Then it had social networking features.
Then it was for non-students.
8 years later, Facebook introduced the Timeline, which is the way we experience it today. No one ever had the idea for the thing called "Facebook" that we use today.
It started somewhere else, and this is just where it happened to end up.
Ideas are cheap, easy, and worthless.
Ideas are concepts — at best feeble, at worst hackneyed. We hold ideas close to our hearts and protect them because we erroneously feel they are inherently valuable. But they're not. You and your execution are what are valuable.
The work of the entrepreneur isn't coming up with good ideas. It's taking bad ideas and turning them into good businesses through solid execution.
To sum up... think your idea sucks? You're right! And it couldn't matter less.
Published over 2 years ago